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May 18, 2011`
Regular Meeting
May 18, 2011
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Tom Daly, Mark Canfield, Jerry Gannelli and Rick McCowan.

Procedure for Future Zoning Changes
In light of the situation with having to remove zoning changes from the warrant, the board discussed how to best proceed with future zoning changes. Mark suggests the board be proactive and take suggestions from public meetings. It would be beneficial to utilize broader groups in study committees. In addition to requirements set forth by Mass General Laws and Princeton Zoning Bylaws, the board discussed the follow steps be taken where practical:
  • Mail notices to directly affected individuals
  • Involve the Select Board to assist in forming subcommittees
  • Strive to get diversity of opinions
  • List names of property owners on maps
  • Provide frequent updates
  • Get professional assistances
  • Hold public forums
  • Survey the public
A checklist will be reviewed at the next meeting.
Rick noted an error on the assessor map that includes P.O. Place. It incorrectly lists a residentially zoned area as zoned business.

Review Request from Building Inspector to Revise Zoning Bylaw Section VI
Building Inspector John Wilson asked the board to clarify the language in Section VI (G) of the Zoning Bylaws. John feels the bylaw is confusing in that it refers to the street line and not the street lot line. Some applicants assume it refers to the edge of the pavement, which is not the case.  He is willing to meet with the board to discuss in greater detail. Discussion by the board included questions on where the 50 feet is measured from and what happens if there’s an easement. Also, any changes to subsection (G) would also have to be done in subsection (D) of the bylaw. The board may need Town Counsel opinion.  Rick will discuss with Doug Andrysick

Upcoming Meeting Dates
Regular meetings: June 1 & 15 and July 13

Meeting Minutes
April 6, 2011 Regular Meeting – Mark moved to accept the minutes. Jerry seconded. Rick abstained. 3-0
April 13, 2011 Public Hearing – Jerry moved to accept the minutes. Tom seconded. Rick abstained. 3-0
April 27, 2011 Regular Meeting – Jerry moved to accept the minutes. Mark seconded. Rick abstained. 3-0

The board reviewed the mail.

Other Business
Mark moved to pay $50 for Jerry to attend the Chapter 40 B training on June 15. Tom seconded. Unanimous
Tom felt that Jim was not properly recognized for his service while on the board and suggests a plaque or letter be sent thanking him for his years of service. Tom will invite him for a get together with the board.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant